Krankenstation Sadad - Maalula

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Krankenstation Sadad

Wiederaufbau der Krankenstation in Sadad

Im November 2013 wurde das christliche Dorf Sadad von ilsamistischen Terroristen überfallen, Häuser zerstört, geplündert und Dutzende Christen ermordet.
Auch die Krankenstation, die mittlerweile über 10.000 Menschen versorgen muss und
wo 5 Ärzte und Pflegepersonal arbeiten, wurde mutwillig zerstört. Der Verein Maalula hatte es sich zum konkreten Ziel gemacht, dieses Projekt im Jahr 2014 vorrangig zu unterstützen, die Kosten wurden auf 10.000 - 15.000 Euro geschätzt. Mitte 2015 Konnte die Krankenstation durch Spenden von Maalula e.V. wieder in Betrieb genommen werden.


A Hint about Sadad Dispensary
Sadad Dispensary was established in 1961 and it was opened by Homs Governor Mustafa Ram Alhamadani, and it is still working till the now.
It consists of (12) rooms with baths, the dispensary provides all kinds of medical services for people such as:
1-Vaccinations of all kinds.
2- Bandaging room, injecting, blood pressure measuring.
3- Tooth clinic.
4- pregnancy care and family organizing.
5- children care.
6- Diabetes medication, injections, pills in the Dispensary pharmacy.
7- Physical Therapy Department.
All this was available before the armed terrorist groups attack on 21/10/2013, in the attack all the properties of the dispensary (medical equipments, tooth clinic chair, medicines, all content of the pharmacy and the emergency box ) were stolen. The windows were broken completely along with a lot of the  iron supports , all the electric wires and switches , water system. The second floor was hit by a missile which led to the destruction of a part of this floor. Sadad district authorities documented all the stolen objects and damages. The cost is estimated by:
1- Tooth clinic chair (1000000).
2- Various medications (250000).
3-   Physical Therapy devices (700000).
4- Furniture and medical equipment (250000).
5- Windows glass, electric installation, plumbing  installation, doors, roof and walls repairing (800000).
The total cost of the loses is (3) million Syrian pounds.
After freeing Sadad village , people began to come back and the dispensary started working gradually.
For the time being; the dispensary works according to the available potentialities, it provides vaccines offered by the Health Directorate and also he provides medication for Diabetes and for the available cases of Leishmaniasis, and some medications that come as a donation from the Health Directorate and still the dispensary needs all kinds of services accept the above mentioned.
The staff working in the dispensary now are:
1- (5) Dentists.
2- (2) Doctors.
3- (1) Pharmacist.
4- (5) nurses.
5- (1) laboratory man ( with no laboratory).
The total number is 14 workers.

Many thanks….  

Head of Sadad Dispensary
Dr. Safi Assaf

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